Emails Remind Customers You Value Their Business

Email is the fastest and most cost-effective way to stay in touch

Have you sent out circulars, brochures, newsletters, or postcards? If you have, you know that mailing campaigns are expensive and time consuming. Email, on the other hand, is free, and email campaigns are easy to prepare. Also, email allows you to send your message when you have an announcement to make.

What can you do with an email campaign?

  1. Send newsletters to share insights that might help customers make purchasing decisions
  2. Send announcements for new products or services.
  3. Make targeted offers to select audience.
  4. Improve customer relationships by automating some customer communications. For example, you can send a post-purchase email survey to improve customer satisfaction and get valuable feedback.

Who is your audience?

In a general mailing, your audience might include everyone in your mailing list. However, campaigns that target customers with specific interest can be more effective. In an environment where people are sensitive about SPAM Emails, it is important to ask your customers for permission to send them Emails and allow them a way to remove themselves from your mailing list.

What can you expect from campaign?

  1. Increased traffic to your web site. You can track frequent visitors and follow up with targeted offers.
  2. Purchases and new business depend greatly on demand. However, being proactive increases the odds that people will remember you when they make a purchasing decision.

Next: Web Content Can Help Customers Make Purchasing Decisions

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